Must Know Tips to Help You Avoid a Customer Service Crash Regardless of your industry, customer service is a constant concern for small businesses. Not paying enough attention to customer service create a big problem or your business. Not only will you lose customers, but you’ll also have fewer new ones as word gets around…
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Client Hasn’t Paid – What Are My Options?
Client Hasn’t Paid – What Are My Options? Dear Clients ARM, I have a client who hasn’t paid their invoice in four months. I’ve followed my state laws about late fees, but I really don’t know what my options are. I’ve tried calling several times to collect, but the client still hasn’t paid. What are…
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How Downtime Improves Your Productivity
How Downtime Improves Your Productivity It may seem impossible, but downtime improves your productivity. Although it can be hard to balance your home life with your business, it turns out that downtime is more important to your business than once thought. It seems contradictory because if you’re not working or talking to potential clients, you’re…
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How Allowing ISPs to Sell Consumer Data May Affect Your Business
How Allowing ISPs to Sell Consumer Data May Affect Your Business The House and the Senate passed a resolution to remove restrictions on ISPs who want to sell consumer data. It is expected that President Trump will sign the measure. If signed by the President, ISPs will gain the ability to do what edge providers,…
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