The 3 Things No One Told You About Outside Financing We are one month into a new quarter. How’s your business doing? Are you thinking about expanding? Do you need new equipment? There are a ton of different reasons why your business may need outside financing. Looking for an outsider financier can be frustrating, scary,…
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How to Develop and Implement a Client Retention Strategy
How to Develop and Implement a Client Retention Strategy If you lost one client, how would that affect the bottom line of your business? What if you lost two clients? Five? Ten? Clients leaving your organization for a competitor is a very real prospect. It’s something that all business owners must consider. The sooner you…
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Are You Making These 6 Productivity Mistakes?
Are You Making These 6 Productivity Mistakes? It is said that actions speak louder than words. Do you know what speaks louder than actions? Results. If you’re not seeing the results that you want in your business or from yourself, it’s time to take a long look at what’s going on. Productivity doesn’t mean people…
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Want to Grow Your Business? Hurt Your Potential Clients
Want to Grow Your Business? Hurt Your Potential Clients The goal of your business is to provide a service for a fee. Your service is designed to solve a problem. So, if you want to grow your business you have to hurt your potential clients. By this, we certainly aren’t advocating the use of harsh…
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