The Pareto Principle, also known as Pareto’s 80/20 and the 80/20 rule or principle, is a theory that states 80% of what happens comes from 20% of events. Thinking about this in business terms, 80% of what you’re experiencing in your business is a direct result of 20% of what happens. Because of the large…
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Are You a Victim of Your Own Decision Making Process?
How do you run a profitable business? By making good decisions, of course. Yet, making a good decision isn’t always easy. There are a number of things that can occur that have the potential to impede your ability to make the right choice. Here are the most common things that affect how you make a…
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Thinking about Offering Credit? Consider These 5 Cs!
Providing credit to clients can be a great way to grow your business. Clients can use more of your services. Potential clients gain access to your services. You get paid through a monthly installment plan. Yet, offering credit also creates risk for your business. If you don’t get paid for your services, that’s a problem.…
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The 4 Bs of Business!
When it comes to developing a successful business, there’s a lot of information out there. There are also a lot of buzzwords associated with various business concepts. It can get confusing. How do you know which information is the best? The good news is that you don’t have to find and follow complex business ideas…
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