
How Important is Work-Life Balance? Experts Weigh In!

How Important is Work-Life Balance? Experts Weigh In!

Running a business isn’t easy. In fact, most business owners eat, sleep, and breathe their business. Business can be a 24/7 way of life for the first few years. However, even after that crucial time period, it’s important that business owners do what they can to achieve work-life balance. Here’s how it helps you as a business owner.

It Makes You More Productive

Taking time to exercise and indulge in your hobbies can make you more productive. However, there is an important key to make this work. You must be consistent in taking time away from work. One way to make time for exercise and hobbies is to block off time in your schedule each day for these items. Don’t schedule any phone calls, projects, or meetings during that time. If you find that you’re extremely tired at the end of the day, put your exercise time at the beginning of the day.

You’ll Have More Energy to Devote to Your Business

Taking a break can help you have more energy during your day. That extra energy can be filtered into making you more productive (or at least feeling better about your day).

You Physically Feel Better

Even taking a walk can help you feel better. Richard Branson swears by his morning exercise routine. Setting aside that time for yourself primes your brain and releases endorphins. Those endorphins make you automatically feel better.

Work-Life Balance Is about Boundaries

Betsy Jacobson is quoted as saying, “Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices.” Planning out how you want to use your private time is just as important as planning your business day. Yet, the most important part is keeping your promise to do those things your private life that help you perform better professionally. Learn how to live mindfully and enjoy what you’re doing, when you’re doing it.

Making Money Is Only Part of Life

Dolly Parton said, “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” Even insects know how to make a living. They instinctually know how to collect what they need to survive. While it’s certainly necessary to earn a living, you must never forget that there’s more to your life than that.

Create a Schedule for the Start and End of Your Day…and Stick to It

When you’re running a business, it can be hard to stop working when you said that you would. Sometimes, pressing matters drive you to give up your free time and work much earlier in the day (or much later) than you intended. This can ultimately affect your performance and your relationships. If you’re constantly pressed for time with your business, consider getting help.

Don’t Monetize All Your Skills and Hobbies

It’s nice to make money. We’re taught to work where we find our passions so that we never feel like we really work. Yet, monetizing all your skills and hobbies can cause stress. It might feel nice at first to get money for the things you usually just spend time doing, but over time, those past times become a chore and stop bring you joy.

Make More Time for You

If you’re looking to develop work-life balance, check out the services provided by Clients ARM. With more than 30 years of experience, Clients ARM is a remote-based U.S. provider of services for businesses of any size. We have services for lawyers, doctors, architects, engineers, and all other service-based businesses. We’re here to help! To learn more, schedule your free consultation!