
How Identifying Mistakes Can Save Your Business

How Identifying Mistakes Can Save Your Business

How Identifying Mistakes Can Save Your Business


As you learn and adapt to your clients’ needs and preferences, the types of services your business offers will evolve. As they change, you may find areas in your business require adjustments. Often, you will begin to notice the weaknesses in your policies and procedures. Take action early before those weaknesses have a negative impact on your business.


The Two Types of Business Mistakes


There are two types of mistakes that will occur. When evaluating your policies and procedures, keep both types in mind.


  1. Mistakes your clients are unaware of are either detected by you or your staff. This reveals processes that work and the ones that don’t. These types of errors may delay services, but they do not hinder them. You can apply procedures that work in areas that do not. You can use it as a safety net for procedural mistakes.


  1. Mistakes discovered by your clients, however, are a quality assurance nightmare. The moment mistakes affect your clients, it is time to evaluate your procedures and make changes. And do damage control to keep your clients happy.


How You Respond to Mistakes Defines Your Business


How you handle the mistakes that you notice in your business will speak volumes about your business. Take the time to evaluate the process involved. How was the service handled by your staff? Once you determine the weakness in your process and procedures, take the time to address it with your staff. Mistakes that are uncommon are simply just oversights. Mistakes that are a common occurrence require more attention. These types of mistakes signify a flaw in the system.


When a mistake happens, it’s not necessarily the fault of the employee. Rather, it is usually a flaw in the process. Adding a few extra checks and balances to your procedures will reduce mistakes. Holding weekly meetings with your team to discuss possible improvements. Your first meetings may be longer or more frequent, depending on how you break down new training. Plan to have open discussion meetings that allow you and your staff to discuss areas that are performing poorly. Actively listening and allowing an open dialogue type meeting is an opportunity to discover techniques your staff may use daily.


Create a Training Plan to Minimize Mistakes


Create a training plan to improve your employee customer service skills when following up with clients. Focus on the apology, resolution, and tone. Don’t risk losing important clients because of a mistake or poor customer service. Focusing on a plan of action can help your staff to know how to proceed when dealing with an upset customer. Integrate customer service training into your new higher orientation.


If you are ready to learn how your company can improve in its back-office administrative functions, you should call Clients ARM. We provide customer service solutions for lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, and other service-based businesses. With Clients ARM, you don’t have to spend time training new employees. We take your calls from the West coast and provide your customers with the old fashioned customer service principles. Your customers will feel appreciated and valued, and you get the customer service professionals that you need at a reasonable rate. Ready to get started or have questions? Contact us today! We’d love to speak with you and walk you through just how much a partnership with Clients ARM would benefit your business.