
Make It Easy to Do Business With You

Make It Easy to Do Business With You

Make It Easy to Do Business With You

Many businesses over complicate simple processes and services they provide. This can lead to alienating their clients without being aware it is hurting their business. Often, it can be simple daily practices that create a headache for clients. It’s important to ensure that every customer-related element of a business is convenient and informative.

Here are a few business-to-customer processes to avoid and change.

Phone Tree

The phone tree is an automated answering system with a large menu with multiple choices that only lead to more choices. While answering systems may seem to save you money, they are, in fact, costing your business money. During business hours, your clients or prospective clients want to reach someone in real time. They cannot afford to listen to an entire pathway of options to figure out whom they need to speak with. A receptionist can provide live service and direct calls accordingly. An even better option is offering an extension or direct number to clients. Important accounts should always be provided with a direct route to contacting you.

Passing Game

When a client contacts your business through phone or e-mail, the person they are dealing with directly should have or provide answers and information directly. If they cannot, they need to direct it to the right person. Passing a client from one person in your office to another creates issues. Especially, if the client must repeat their inquiry over and over again each time they speak with a different employee. Clients will become frustrated. Do not play the passing game or you will risk losing a loyal client.

Complicated Billing

Your clients should easily be able to pay you. Offering multiple payment options to your clients can make it easier for them to pay their invoices. In the modern technological age, many businesses and clients prefer online or electronic invoicing, billing, and payment options. You will receive payments from your clients faster.

Purchase Order Follow-ups

Have clear terms in the contract at the beginning. Allow your customer to decide the terms before you begin work.

Example: Net-15 with a 2% discount, Net-30 contains a finance charge of 5%.

Creating incentives for your clients to pay early can leave you without the headache of waiting for payment.  Terms can also deter your business from having to continually follow-up on payment. If an account becomes overdue beyond 30 days, then appropriate follow-up procedures will apply.


Do You Need Help With Customer Service?

If you want to implement a customer service agent or department, but don’t have the space or the funds, give Clients ARM a call. We have more than 30 years of experience. Clients ARM uses old fashioned customer service principles and combines it with technological excellence.

It's easy to get started, and it costs a fraction of what it costs to hire traditional employees. You provide Clients ARM with an unused telephone line and we do the rest from a remote, US-based location. Your client still calls your number, but the call comes to us. We can help set appointments, answer questions, and help you with many other valuable areas.

Ready to get started or have questions? Give Clients ARM a call to book your free process review. We can help you answer your questions and help you find the right solution for your business!