
Planning to Advertise on Facebook Over the Holidays? Follow These Tips

Planning to Advertise on Facebook Over the Holidays? Follow These Tips

Planning to Advertise on Facebook Over the Holidays? Follow These Tips

Client acquisition can be expensive and frustrating for small business owners. Social media is hallowed ground for businesses looking to quickly reach their target market. There’s no time better to reach your target on Facebook than the holidays. Yet, unless you have experience in social media marketing or unless you’ve hired an expert, you may not know where to start. It can be overwhelming and it can cost you a lot of money to start ad campaigns. Ad campaigns are great…if you know how to properly set it up and use it. So, just how can you get results advertising on Facebook without the added frustration? We have the answer! Just follow some of these tips to get started.

Facebook Loves Pictures

If you have a fan page on Facebook and you have more than 25 fans, then you know that Facebook gives you information about how many people are seeing your message. The more fans that you have, the harder it can be to get the organic reach that you want. Organic means that you did not pay to boost or sponsor your post.

One of the best ways to raise your organic reach is to use pictures. Look for Internet memes that your target market can relate to and laugh at. When they like, comment, or share the image, it increases the number of people who will see the post in their timeline even if they haven’t officially liked your page.

Don’t Use Competing Ads

This means that if you’re running paid ad campaigns, make sure that they aren’t geared toward the same target market and offering the exact same service. For instance, if you’re a veterinarian, you don’t need two ads targeting dog lovers and offering spaying and neutering. Your second ad should target a different market (such as cat lovers).

This may seem counter-intuitive, but it’s important. Price on Facebook campaigns can increase when there is a lot of competition for the same type of audience and ad. So, when you run two ads that target the same group of people, your cost will go up and you’re not really being guaranteed an ROI. You may likely experience a better CTR if you target two separate audiences.

Consider Using the Lifetime Budget Feature

The lifetime budget feature is fantastic for helping you get the results that you want (such as a bigger reach) in a specified amount of time. Instead of telling Facebook a daily limit for your budget and what you’d like to do, the lifetime budget is given one price and Facebook works its magic to make the choices that are most likely to give you the results you want within your specified timeframe.

Active Page Management Is a Must

It may sound obvious, but you must actively manage your Facebook page. You cannot just post one or two things and then hope people see them. You must be active. You need to post content on a regular basis. You should ask questions. You should answer comments that are left on your page. People won’t want to like your page if its dead.

Make sure that you have completed your fan page profile. Use your page to offer special deals, answer questions, and talk about changes and new things that you’re offering.

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